daycare termination letter

As a parent, you may find yourself in the difficult position of having to terminate daycare services. It is never an easy decision to make, but you can make the process easier by writing a clear and concise termination letter. This letter should include the reasons for your decision, as well as any information about your child’s care that you want the daycare provider to know. 

This article will help you draft a well-worded letter that will ensure a smooth transition for both you and the school. By following these tips, you can ensure that your letter is professional and respectful. 

How to Tell the Daycare That You Are Leaving

If you’re contemplating leaving your daycare provider, here are some of the steps you should take to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Talk to the daycare administrator or director.

You will need to speak with the daycare administrator. Keeping the conversation positive and honest is key in this situation. This conference should be a productive working session that provides information about how best to care for your child and manage the transition process. It is important to be respectful and professional, but also remember that you are the customer.

Keep it quiet and private.

Try not to let any rumors get started. Having a private conversation with the daycare administrator will help ensure that no one else knows you’re thinking of leaving until you are ready to share your decision.

Ensure that the conversation stays positive.

This is a personal decision and you should be able to speak about it without being judged. The daycare administrator may have different opinions, but it is important that your final decision will not impact their opinion of you as a parent or how they treat you. In the end, this conversation should provide information on how best to care for your child and manage the transition process.

Be honest about your reasons.

It is up to you how much information you choose to share about why you are looking for another provider. While it’s best not to speak negatively of your current daycare in front of other parents, do not be afraid to be honest with the administrator about your reasons why you are leaving their care. By being honest, you will be able to help them understand your concerns and allow them to address any issues that may have contributed to your decision.

Understand the rules and requirements to ensure a smooth exit.

Understand how many days notice you must give to end daycare services. You will also want to know if there is a charge for early termination. It is important that you feel comfortable with your decision and know what you’ll be expected to do before pulling your child from the daycare.

How To Write a Daycare Withdrawal Letter

When you announce your decision to leave, be sure to provide a written letter for the daycare administrator. This will help ensure that they have all of the necessary information and that the transition goes as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

What Should You Include in Your Daycare Termination Letter?  

A well-written termination letter should contain the following information:

  • The date of termination. This can be written as an exact date or as “X days from today.”
  • The date the daycare will receive this notice. This should include today’s date as well as the date your letter is being sent out.
  • A brief statement about how long your child was under care by the daycare service provider before ending services.
  • A brief explanation for why you are leaving daycare services. In the event that your child will be transitioning to a new daycare, this can simply state something like “I plan to enroll my son in the local school system” or “My daughter has been accepted into preschool.”

If you are not moving or changing schools but still ending daycare services, it’s best to be honest about your reasons for leaving so they understand what factors influenced your decision. This could include making improvements to your own home, looking for another provider with better hours, moving closer to work or school, etc.

End the letter with a polite reminder that the daycare provider is welcome to contact you with any further questions or concerns they may have.

Daycare Termination Letter Examples

Here is an example of how to write a termination letter:

Dear [Daycare Administrator],

I have been a customer of [Daycare] for [amount of time]. Unfortunately, I have decided to transition my child from your services because our family needs a provider that is located closer to our home. I will be ending daycare on [date].

If you need any additional information regarding the termination of my child’s care, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Your Name

Here is another example of a daycare termination letter:

Dear [Daycare Administrator],

My child [Child’s Name] has been enrolled in your daycare center since [Year], but our family has made a decision to withdraw from your services effective [Date]. It was not an easy choice, but we felt this would be best as we are looking for a center that is closer to our home.

[Child’s Name] has had plenty of wonderful memories at your daycare. We will definitely cherish all the relationships made.

I would be happy to speak to you in person about this transition. Please let me know the best time to do so.


Your Name

Finding a New Daycare Provider

Cadence Education is a daycare and early education provider that understands the commitment and dedication of parents to both their jobs and their children. That is why we provide flexible hours, exceptional care for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, and a flexible payment plan. We also have a vast network of childcare partners all over the U.S. so you will certainly find a partner that will provide for your needs wherever you are.

Our center focuses on creating a home-like environment where your child can thrive and succeed in a diverse, nurturing community. If you are interested in exploring our daycare options for your child, please feel free to contact us for a tour or more information.