This Is Me!
For this activity, have your child describe themselves on paper, then bind the pages together in a book. A few page suggestions include the following:
- “This is me” -a self-portrait
- “This is my family” -a family portrait
- “Here is my hand” -a hand tracing
- “My favorite foods” -picture cutouts/print outs
- “My favorite animals” -picture cutouts/print outs
- Paper
- Yarn
- Hole Punch
- Scissors
- Glue
- Magazines
- Writing Tools
- Crayons
- Markers
Age-appropriate Adaptations:
- Two-year-olds—The parent can write down any words dictated by your child. Create fewer pages.
- Three-year-olds—Allow your child to decide what page of the book they would like to make today. Allowing them some control in their daily choices will instill independence and self-esteem in your child.
- Four-/Five-year-olds—Have your child write, in narrative form for each page, statements to extend the information provided about themselves. (e.g., “Here is my hand. 5 things I can do with my hands. Pet the cat….”) Have them further illustrate each page.
Skills Supported:
- Character Development: Self-awareness, self-esteem and identifying characteristics and qualities that make them unique.
- Cultural Understanding: Appreciation of their cultural heritage.
- Fine motor skills: With use of the markers and the scissors.