880 W 28th St
Houston, TX 77008 - (713) 999-8028
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Ages: 6 weeks - 6 years
- Overview
- Programs
- Our Team
We Are The Kenworthy School
The Kenworthy School is an exceptional preschool and elementary school in Houston, guided by a commitment to transparency, parent partnerships and excellence in education and care of young children.
The Kenworthy School is reducing the stress of educating both preschool children and early elementary students by continuing accelerated learning opportunities into the early elementary grades with carefully selected curriculum for reading, math, and the humanities including immersion Spanish all supported by appropriately designed assessments that communicate specific progress to students and parents. A nurturing environment is an essential factor in a child’s development, which is why we provide warm and responsive connections in a safe environment, enabling healthy social emotional development.
Kenworthy Preschool in Houston
Frog Street is a state of the art curriculum that provides an organized and intentional bilingual curriculum for children from infancy through 6 years of age leaving nothing to chance in the education of young children. Frog Street is a comprehensive dual language curriculum designed to meet the needs of diverse learners including gifted & talented, developmentally on pace learners, and those learners who respond well to the gift of time and careful pacing.
The lesson plans for the day are intentional, purposeful, and fun – grounded in research rather than just another good idea or activity from the internet. In planning activities and daily experiences Kenworthy educators know that the most efficient learning occurs when the experience is age appropriate, has meaning and is related to previous learning. The Frog Street curriculum spirals through the curriculum introducing new skills and concepts while revisiting concepts, vocabulary, skills aligning old information with new, engaging each domain of human development every day for every child!
Enrichment Expands Opportunity
The Kenworthy School also offers enrichment opportunities in the following areas:
- Art – The art teacher engages children in daily hands-on experiences with texture, color, paint, clay, and a rich variety of assorted media. Children as early as Beginner 2 touch, test, experience, construct and deconstruct. Hands-on! Children enjoy art based literature, visual arts, individually and in group projects.
- Exploration – Kenworthy Kids Beginner 3 and older enjoy expanded and supplemental skills development in social emotional and cognitive domains and in as many as 3 languages, (American Sign, English & Spanish) everyday using supplemental resources as well as Frog Street curriculum materials.
- Movement – Kenworthy Kids get moving for fun! A favorite with all Kenworthy Kids, Movement Enrichment opportunities bring organized experiences to each class Beginner 3 and older, every day helping engage and organize the physical domain! The Kenworthy School is well equipped with high quality climbing structures as well as a full compliment of “Gymboree” style climbing and movement equipment. Kenworthy Kids enjoy at least two outside (weather permitting) play opportunities daily on playgrounds equipped with riding toys, balls, toddler swings, and both a high and low scape play structure.
- Spanish – PreK 2,3,4,5 and Kindergarten students enjoy Spanish in increasing time blocks. The experiences supplement the Frog Street Spanish experiences with a lesson custom designed to support the development of bilingual abilities in our Kenworthy Kids. For Kindergarten and elementary students the Muy Bien! curriculum guides children’s Spanish experiences. With several preschool and early elementary years of Spanish our English speaking children can develop significant abilities to communicate in another language.
- Music – Music education introduces the joy of music experiences and the cognitive understanding of music to Kenworthy Kids in Beginner 3 classes and older! Music spreads joy, facilitates learning, and is a brain smart activity for our Kenworthy Kids.
Programs Offered
Our Team

Jessica Miles
School Director
Jessica Miles brings her experience and talents to the leadership team as she shepherds Conscious Discipline and Social Emotional Learning. Jessica has shown her kind spirit around our school and into our families lives being helpful, understanding, accommodating and setting real life expectations and goals. Jessica, a Houston native, brings over 10 years of experience as well as an educational background full of various training and credentials.

Maureen Taylor
Assistant Director
Maureen’s career in Early Childhood Education started after studying at Texas State University in San Marcos, graduating with her BS degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. She spent the next 10 years pursuing her passion of teaching Pre-Kindergarten in both public and private settings.
As a dedicated teacher, she spent her years in the classroom, forging connections with her students creating an environment where her students felt safe to explore, question, and dream.
At Kenworthy, Maureen immersed herself in both the Frog Street and Conscious Discipline Curriculum, which reflected in her teaching style and earned her 2022 Teacher of the Year at Kenworthy.
This year Maureen stepped into the role of Assistant Director and continues to put her classroom skills to use coaching staff here at The Kenworthy School.

Teaubrie Sepulveda
School Coordinator
Teaubrie Sepulveda started her journey in early childhood education in 2013 attending Texas A&M University in College Station. She joined The Kenworthy School family in 2018 where she continued to dedicate years to shaping the futures of many preschoolers. She fosters a love for learning and creating a safe, engaging environment for little ones to thrive.
In 2022, Teaubrie decided to explore new horizons, and was offered the role of School Coordinator at The Kenworthy School. She seamlessly adapted to her new role. Today she continues to bring her warm spirit and commitment into her role, maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for all.

Jamyra Johnson
Administrative Assistant
Jamyra Johnson was brought on the Administrative team at Kenworthy in 2022.
With a remarkable background in communication and technology, Jamyra brought a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team.
What truly sets Jamyra apart is not just her professionalism but also her warm and welcoming personality. Her smiling face and kind spirit have quickly endeared her to both students and parents alike, making her an indispensable member of our community.
Originally hailing from Louisiana, Jamyra has transitioned to calling Houston her home. She has embraced her role with enthusiasm and dedication and It’s clear to see that she is not just an employee but an essential part of our Kenworthy family.