Montessori Toddler Program

Art Practice Increases Your Child's Creativity
Your child explores a world of expression and creativity as they choose colors and textures to explore. Art practice also improves fine motor skills, making things like gripping a pencil easier.
Each Child Learns At Their Own Pace
By observing your child, providing the right lesson when they’re ready, and letting them practice until mastered, your child excels at every level. Montessori teachers emphasize process rather than product.
A Family Environment Helps Your Child Thrive
Your child’s environment operates like that in a family home, with personalized, nurturing attention. Building trust and lasting bonds with your child is part of the learning process and helps them reach their full potential.
Practicing Activities That Build Practical Life Skills
Your child learns how to do for themselves by practicing the skills they need in life, like setting the table, pouring themselves water, and more. Activity boards invite your child to zip zippers, tie shoelaces, and do up buttons.
Comunication Skills Are The Heart of Positive Relationships
Healthy relationships are the foundation of fulfillment. Your child learns to use their words to express their needs and wants. They know boundaries and can clearly and lovingly articulate these boundaries to teachers and friends alike.
A Safe Place For Your Toddler To Learn & Grow
Your child is continuously learning, exploring, and discovering! Thoroughly cleaned and sanitized play areas, toys, and activities allow your toddler to take their learning and growth by storm, all while staying safe and healthy.
Montessori Experts Facilitate Your Child's Learning Experience
Montessori certified teachers are “guides” facilitating the learning experience rather than determining the process and lesson. Teachers take the lead from the children in the classroom and ensure everyone respects the ground rules.
Your Child Takes Charge Of The Montessori Learning Experience
Montessori education develops capable, accountable, knowledgeable people who can think for themselves. Your child makes choices early, guided by their interests.
Multi-Age Classrooms Boost Your Child's Learning
Your growing child benefits from being in a setting with both younger and older children. Older children gain confidence as they help and model their younger friends’ skills, while younger children learn from older friends.
A Prepared Environment Designed For Your CHild's Success
A prepared environment acts as your child’s third teacher. Your child discovers new interests daily. An environment where they independently unlock what excites them is vital, as they have the freedom to choose the lessons they gravitate toward naturally.
Well-Thought Out Materials Meet Your Child's Needs
Watch your child stack the pink tower–cubes of different sizes, from 1 cm up to 10 cm, making a visual for “big” and “small,” or put together a puzzle that teaches them world geography.
Stengthen Your Child's Pre-Writing Skills Now
Specially-designed materials refine the fine motor skills your child needs to grasp a pencil and to write. For example, tracing letters in the sand is the start of beautiful penmanship.
Practical Life Skills Are Know-How For Daily Living
The Montessori approach invites your child to dress, wash their hands, clean up after themselves, and help others do the same, so they gain the know-how they’ll need for daily life.
Character Building Enriches Your Child's Sense Of Self
Development for your toddler includes academic enhancement and character building that helps them grow into an adult with integrity. Self-esteem and strong social skills can help your child become a model citizen of the world.
Enrichments Like Music And Yoga Make Learning Fun
Your child experiences a full and exciting experience through music, Spanish, soccer, and other activities. Exposing your child to new activities opens up a world of possibilities as they gain new skills.
Follow In The Footsteps Of Montessori Greatness
The Montessori approach has honed some of the world’s top stars and entrepreneurs’ leadership and talent. Successful children become successful adults and develop thinking that leads to innovations of the future.
Children Internalize The Order That Surrounds Them
Order is encouraged through the meticulously prepared environment, classroom rules, and daily routines.
Concentration Is Essential To Support Effective Learning
Classroom rules and materials that encourage hands-on work help to develop concentration skills.
Motivational Tasks Nurture New Skills And Coordination
The classroom provides endless opportunities, both directly and indirectly, to refine crucial motor skills.
Cultivating Independence Makes Montessori Unique
The Montessori environment gives children opportunities to succeed at their own pace in all domains of learning.